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Largest Graduating Class in History of Farnam High

Members of the Senior Class of the Farnam High School who received their Diplomas Thursday evening. Left to right they are:
Top row: Robert Pollard, Harold Velte, Clayton Pollard, Carroll Teel.
2nd row: Ronald Fitch, Helen Wharton, Emma Patterson, Violet Babcock, Hazel Fenton, Supt. L. O. Dowers.
3rd row: William Stebbins, Elsie Banks, Charlotte Lord, Gladys Velte, Byron Taylor.
Lower row: Seaton Smith, Eva Spencer, Catherine Kerr, Mae Woolstrum.

The Farnam Echo (27):1, Friday, 18 May 1923


Published: 2/8/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe