Seventeen Received Diplomas Commencement Nite
Last week marked the end of another successful school term for Farnam’s High and grade students. Although, for many, it only marked the beginning of a short vacation until they will all be reunited again within the walls of the dear old school building, it marked for the seventeen young lads and lasses who received their diplomas, the possible ending of all school associations together.
Commencement exercises were held at the Community Hall Thursday evening. A splendid program was carried out. One number which was especially appreciated by the audience was “The Rose of Sharon” sang by a male quartette, consisting of F. N. Reeves, D. E. Banks and Dan and Harry McNickle. The Reverend David Johnson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Kearney, delivered the address of the evening. The audience enjoyed his talk based on the theme, “How to live long and happy”. But we just wonder, if in order to do so, it’s necessary to say when the potatoes are passed, “please pass the gravy.”
Those who were qualified to graduate and receive diplomas were: John Ainlay, Oliver Brittenham, Ruthe Carman, DesNeigs Clouatre, Dorothy Craig, Susie Craig, Gene Fitch, Dorothy Hicks, Walter Johnson, Ida Lehman, Louise Parker, Kenneth Martin, Opal Stebbins, Ethel Teel, Nona Teel, Helen Velte and Oswald Wagner. For these young folks school ties were severed, and as they enter upon the broad field of labor, to work with the good and bad, we trust they will see fit to give to the world the best they have and hope that the best will return to them.