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Bonds For New School Building Approved and Sold

The $20,000 bond issue of Farnam school district has been approved by the state auditor’s office and have been sold, we understand. The bonds were registered this week in the office of the county clerk at Stockville and will also be registered in the clerk’s office at Lexington.

The Farnam district is a joint district between Dawson and Frontier counties.

The money raised is for additional building and equipment.—The Faber.

Now that the bonds are sold and weather conditions are more favorable so that the construction work may be carried on more rapidly it is possible that the class of ’25 will have the honor of being the first class to graduate from this new building yet.

The Farnam Echo (13), Thursday, 5 February 1925


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe