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McElmoil Installs Electric Refrigerator

Clyde McElmoil, our progressive druggist, installed a new apparatus Monday to keep ice cream in. The Frigidaire, is an electrically cooled refrigerator which holds four regular ice cream containers. Then cooling is done by the circulating of gasses through brine, the gasses draw the heat from the brine thus cooling the containers.

The thermometer can be set at any temperature and no matter what the change in the atmosphere may be the refrigerator will maintain the same even temperature. This new apparatus will keep the ice cream froze evenly so that it can be kept indefinitely and will always be in saleable condition.

Mr. McElmoil stated that he would try and keep about three or four different kinds of cream on hand at all times, thus giving his customers a better service.

The Farnam Echo (27):1, Thursday, 14 May 1925


Published: 5/2/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe