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Burlington Railroad Unique Fence

The Burlington railroad is building a unique fence along its line. When an engine has outlived its usefulness on the road, instead of being sent to the iron pile as heretofore, its flues are used for fence posts. Ordinarily an engine contains from 190 to 375 flues and one of these flues will make two good fence posts that will last forever. The post is set in a bed of concrete and the upper parts coated with tar to escape deteriorating by coming in contact with the air. The tube is then filled with cement to keep the water from getting inside. The flues from one engine will fence almost a mile and cannot be destroyed by fire. The first of this fencing was done on the Will Hueftle farm west of town.

The Postal Card (Eustis) :1, Saturday, 28 March 1903


Published: 3/29/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe