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Route to Gothenburg

The surveying gang worked here in town Saturday and Monday and are running a preliminary survey around the west route to Gothenburg. This is the routing which most of Farnam’s populace have been asking for all the time and we understand that federal authorities are somewhat dissatisfied with the east route, so there is still a possibility that the government will run the road over the west routing. The east route has been surveyed three different times and each just a little different and yet there seems to be too many disadvantages to suit federal authorities. It has always seemed to us that the west route would be much the easiest to build and maintain, however, we are not civil engineers so will not make any rash statements.

The Farnam Echo 42(14):8, Thursday, 7 February 1929


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe