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Keystone Items - 4 July 1885

Windmills had very quiet time last week.

Geo Elliott's well is progressing finely. He is confident of striking water at 250 feet. He is also erecting a fine building on his claim.

Geo A Watkins was in town a day or two last week, holding down his homestead.

Dr. C D Buss, of Bradford, Pa., who has been spending a couple of weeks in town looking after his land interests, returned home Saturday. He is enthusiastic as to the future of our country on the hills.

Dr. Vollrad Karlson and W. D. Giffin, of Gothenburg, took in the town last week.

Capt. S M Smith has a two-story adobe house with a dormer window, erected on his claim. Who can beat that?

R T Thompson has engaged the services of a professional gardener and is raising garden truck in earnest. Having nearly 15 acres planted to beans, carrots, onions, beets, etc., all of which is looking well. He hopes to have enough to supply our whole town.

Geo Ranne proposes to mow over all the ground he has not plowed this spring and intends to start in with three teams and a half a dozen men.


The Gothenburg Independent 1(9):4, Saturday, 4 July 1885


Published: 5/10/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe