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A Shooting Affray in Farnam

A shooting affray took place in Farnam on Thursday of last week, from the effects of which one man is dead and another is seriously injured, while the murderer is lying in jail in Lexington. It appears that ill feeling existed between J. B. Walker and G. P. Stevens, and on Thursday while Walker was in a store in Farnam Stevens passed by; Walker immediately pulled out a revolver and shot at him, striking him in the hand and hip. S. C. Wykoff, who was passing by, received a bullet over the eye. Eight shots in all were fired. Walker was taken to Lexington by Sheriff Teal, of Frontier county, and when searched was found to have $1,994.50 in his pockets. Stevens died on Tuesday morning.

Gothenburg Independent 9(8):5, Saturday, 20 May 1893


Published: 7/26/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe