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Serve at N. P. Canteen

About twenty-five Farnam ladies made the trip to North Platte in five cars Friday morning to serve at the canteen. They estimate they served about four thousand service men during the time they were there. Several of the ladies spoke over radio station CODY from a special hook–up at the canteen station.

Just to give an idea of what is required to serve there one day, the ladies took with them two crates of oranges, 155 dozen cookies, a seven pound box of cookies, dozen pecan rools, 14 birthday cakes, 20 other cakes, 84 dozen doughnuts, 13 ½ quarts cream, 14 pounds butter, 19 dozen eggs, two quarts pickles, 19 pounds coffee, two dozen packages carmel corn, 50 dozen buns and six hams. During the day they spent $26 for 40 loaves of bread, 300 bottles of milk, five pounds cheese and 20 pounds of meat. Upon leaving they donated $40 in cash to the canteen.

The ladies wish to thank those who made donations of either cash or supplies, those who furnished the cars and for all other assistance given them.

The Farnam Press 4(39):1, Thursday, 15 June 1944


Published: 2/6/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe