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The Golf Bug is in the Air

With the past couple of weeks of nice weather the golf bug has been heard humming around on the streets of Farnam. These bugs are hard to get rid of once a community becomes infested with them.

A considerable amount of money was spent on the local course last spring, putting up sand boxes and fixing the greens tho weather conditions and other things kept many from playing and the club came near dying, but with this nice weather and the spring fever coming on new enthusiasm has been instilled into those who enjoy this outdoor recreation, and it is hoped that more will take an interest this year than ever before.

Many of our neighboring towns have already started playing this spring and no doubt if we get right in and play this year that we can enter some of the local tournaments which are held in this section. We do not believe it will be necessary to charge as large a fee as was charged last year for with a small amount of work the course can be put in splendid condition.

A special meeting is being called to reorganize The Plum Creek Golf Club, and all who are interested in this national pastime are urged to meet at the Pollard Brothers Real Estate office next Monday evening at 8 o’clock, when plans will be arranged for the coming season.

The Farnam Echo 22(20):1, Thursday, 26 March 1925


Published: 3/29/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe