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Farnam Adds Another Sport

Last Friday evening, June 8th, a number of the golf enthusiasts met and organized The Farnam Golf Club. John Rowland was elected as ground superintendent and C. E. Davidson as secretary and Treasurer.

It was voted to make the membership dues $1.00, and this money to be used to improve and keep up the links. When it is necessary for additional funds, they are to be raised by assessments not to exceed $1.00 a member per quarter. Seven charter members were taken in at this meeting. All ladies who desire are entitled to play free of charge.

The members of the club have shown a great deal of interest and much hard work has been necessary to put the greens in shape to play. The course was completed the first of this week and the first game was played Monday evening, five players making the round. Ralph Parker finished with the least number of strokes, making it in 92. Quite a crowd turned out to witness the game, which is surely very interesting. Yes, ’tis great sport, once you get the fever. You are invited to come out and watch the game and if you wish to join the club, membership may be had by paying the small fee for the cost of making the course. Fee may be paid to the secretary and treasurer.

The Farnam Echo 20(31):1, Friday, 15 June 1923


Published: 1/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe