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Farnam Alumni Organizes

The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Lulu McNickle, President; C. E. Davidson, Sec. & Treas.; Chas. Pollard, Corr. Sec.

Moved, seconded, and carried that membership fee of $1.00 be charged yearly to cover any expenses that might arise.

Moved, seconded, and carried that organization be followed by banquet to welcome class of 1921 at Carmans Cafe, Mr. and Mrs. Carman preparing same.

Committee on invitation cards: Chas. Pollard (chairman), Agness Ainlay, Blythe Hinkley.

Refreshment committee: Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chairman with rest of 1898 class as members.

Committee on arrangements: Mrs. Edith Pollard, Mrs. Leith Parker and Mrs. Jennet Parker. This committee given power to choose assistants as needed.

Programme committee: Mrs. Dowers chairman with privilege of choosing other committeemen.

Movement for adjournment carried.

Delia Reeves Fast, Sec. pro tem.

The Farnam Echo 18(29):1, Thursday, 19 May 1921


Published: 7/26/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe