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Farnam Group Go On Elephant Hunt

Elephant hunting has become one of the pastimes of some of the Farnam men and boys. Sunday Bob McGinnis, Ollie Ludvik, Harold Crampton, G. W. Pollard and Clark drove out to the Alvin McLaughlin farm and joined a group there which went hunting in the hills near their place. As evidence that they really went elephant hunting Ollie Ludvik, has a piece of tusk, which he claims is only part of the find.

Well anyway, they were looking for elephant bones and were probably just as excited as if they were really hunting big game, somewhere where elephants are found today.

Large Teeth Washed Out of Bank

Recently, Miss Viola McLaughlin, who is spending the summer here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McLaughlin, and Eldon Metcalf found some exceptionally large teeth and what proved to be a piece of the jaw bone in a canyon on the McLaughlin place and became curious to find more. The group from town volunteered to help with the hunt and by exploring the canyon, they found that they had come out of a bank, which is about 30 feet straight up and down, on the side of the canyon. In order to explore the bank it was necessary to dig steps in the side of the bank, and about twenty feet from the bottom of the canyon, the tusk was located, and a piece about six inches long taken out. The tusk crumbled badly, but has been assembled and stuck together by Ollie Ludvik, this week. It is about 2¾ inches in diameter and 8½ inches around.

It is hoped by more digging, more of the skeleton can be unearthed.

The Farnam Echo 53(18):1, Thursday, 5 August 1937


Published: 9/12/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe