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Polio Fund Carnival

The polio carnival sponsored by the Lions Club at the school house January 31, as reported by Supt. Redfern, brought in a gross total of $772.03.

Expenses were: Koch, King & Co $6.80, Clement store $45.40, Montgomery store $52.92, Mrs. Hathaway $4.00, Mrs. Earhart $4.00; total $113.12. This left a total net profit of $658.91.

The net was divided between the three counties based on the per cent derived by sale of tickets as follows: Dawson county $355.81, Lincoln county $171.32, Frontier county $131.78.

The Farnam Press 11(19):1, Thursday, 8 February 1951


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe