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Polio Carnival Results

The total net amount received for the infantile paralysis fund from the carnival held at the school house Thursday night and other activities is $628.07. This was divided between the three counties according to patronage, and is as follows: Dawson county $402.17, Frontier county $126.12 and Lincoln county $99.76.

Amounts received from different activities were, carnival $387.98, magazine sales $151.30, donations $61.50, basketball game $13.75 and from school enveloples $13.54.

From the total amount there are some expenses of around $15 yet to be paid, which will change the above figures a trifle.

The usual large crowd attended the carnival, which has become an annual affair here, and all seemed to realize the necessity of giving the carnival good patronage for the benefit of a worthy cause.

The Farnam Press 10(20):1, Thursday, 9 February 1950


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe