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Carnival a Success

The March of Dimes carnival held at the school house Thursday night was a very successful affair both from the standpoint of attendance and amount of money taken in.

Total receipts were $956.45 with expenses of $225.45, leaving a net profit of $731 to go into the fund for polio treatment. This net was from the rocker $165, electric oven $59, carnival $448.70, donations $19.50, March of Dimes cards $34.95 and benifit basketball $3.85.

Net receipts were divided between the three counties according to the number of tickets sold to persons from each. This gave $428.46 of the net receipts to Dawson county, $192.53 to Frontier county and $110.01 to Lincoln county.

Organizations making up the carnival funds were Pep club $9.75, cub scouts $12.63, boy scouts $56.35, lunch $73.51, firemen $31.82, Rebekahs $28.27, Legion $54.53, Odd Fellows $54.66 and bingo $127.06.

The Farnam Press 8(20):1, Thursday, 5 February 1948


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe