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Infantile Paralysis Drive

Donations $60.60, Basketball game $11.23, March of Dime cards $39.60, Carnival $562.59, American Legion Auxiliary $41.34, Coyote hunt$ 28.85

Total of $744.21 less $123.96 expense leaving a net of $620.25. This expense was $31.28 to Clement store for lunch and bingo supplies, $63.98 to Montgomery store for toaster, lunch and bingo supplies, $27.50 to American Legion for stockings, $1.20 to school district for tickets.

Of the net $393.75 was paid to Dawson county, $118.69 to Frontier county, $78.96 to Lincoln county and $28.85 sent to Lincoln by R. Cross. This percentage was derived at according to residence of giver or buyer of tickets.

It is estimate that every organization and practically every person in this community helped in some way toward making this drive for funds for infantile paralysis use the huge success it was.

The Farnam Press 7(20):1, Thursday, 6 February 1947


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe