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Mrs. Guerin Fatally Burned

Mrs. S. Guerin (nee Ruby Heath) was fatally burned at her home south of Farnam on Tuesday night of last week and died from the effect of these burns the following night at a Gothenburg hospital.

She had previously started a fire in the stove and thinking it had failed to burn, started to pour some tractor fuel from an oil can into the stove. The oil exploded, bursting the can and saturating her clothing, which caught afire. Unable to extinguish the flames, she ran to the home of her sister-in-law where she was rolled in a rug until the fire was extinguished, but she was too badly burned to be able to recover.

The Farnam Press 7(20):1, Thursday, 6 February 1947


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe