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Farnam Echo Has Ceased Publication; Times to Serve

Good People Of Farnam Community Added to Times Family; First Issue

The Farnam Echo ceased publication with its issue of last week, and starting this week all readers of The Echo are to be served by The Times.

News of the Farnam community will be carried in special columns headed The Farnam Echo, furnished by representatives in the Farnam territory.

The Times welcomes this big addition to our big list of readers, and it is our hope that we will be able to satisfactorily serve the needs of this big territory to the south.

The Echo discontinued publication after 35 years of service to the Farnam community, the publisher, W. Blair Heath, finding it unprofitable to continue. Mechanical equipment, which was moved to Overton about a year ago, will be used in the publication of The Overton Observer.

The Gothenburg Times—Thursday, 8 February 1940—front page of Times

Greetings To Farnam Echo Readers

It is a real pleasure to welcome the readers of The Farnam Echo to The Times Family, starting with this issue.

We, here at The Times, hope that you will enjoy reading Farnam news in The Times and will adopt The Times as your paper.

Roger Crossgrove of Farnam has been selected as our correspondent for the community and he will edit the Farnam Echo each week as a department of The Times. In addition, the Echo has office space with G. W. Pollard, phone number 49, for your convenience.

Just as the Echo is your paper, The Times is also yours. Our services are yours to command, and we solicit your patronage in advertising, want-ads, sale bills and commercial printing of all kinds. Also, it will be much appreciated if you will assist in the reporting of news to the Farnam community. Your help can do much toward the success of the Echo.

We pledge ourselves to a continued effort to make this arrangement more and more satisfactory to all our new readers in the Farnam territory.

The Gothenburg Times / The Farnam Echo , Thursday, 8 February 1940


Published: 2/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe