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The sale pavilion was will filled with friends of the graduation class last Friday evening.

The exercises were opened with a piano solo by Miss Pearl Johnson, followed with the invocation by Rev. B. J. Minort and the McNickle Bros. quartette.

The class address was delivered by Superintendent J. E. Mannix, who brought out some very good points that would apply to the classs and the public in general. He spoke of several instances in practical life showing the advantage of education from a financial as well as social point of view, and in closing complimented the class very highly on their school records.

After a violin solo by George W. Ainlay, Prof. Mannix presented the diplomas, followed by the benediction by Rev. Mrs. H. H. Pollard.

The class this year consisted of seven members and are as follows:

    Genevieve Fitch
    Agnes Ainlay
    Blythe Hinkley
    Edith Peterson
    Hazel Farmer
    Leon Buss
    Leon Tillotson.

The Farnam Echo 15(25):1, Thursday, 30 May 1918


Published: 7/27/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe