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Decoration Day Service

On Tuesday, May 30th, the Decoration service will be held at the tabernacle. This service will commence at 2:00 p.m. sharp.

The program prepared is as follows.

President of the Day.............Rev. G. M. Griffiths
Officer of the Day......................W. H. Clement
Prayer..............................Rev. T. E. Gillet
President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address...John Rowland
Quartet.................................McNickle Bros
Address.............................Evangelist Osborn
Song....................................National Hymn
Benediction..........................Rev. C. A. Irvin

Formation of Column:—School Children will head the procession. Followed by Flower Girls, Old Soldiers and others.

All who will, are invited to accompany in the march with the G.A.R. to the cemetery.

The Farnam Echo 13(23):1, Thursday, 18 May 1916


Published: 1/15/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe