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7 More Stolen Bank Boxes Are Found

Remembrance of the Farnam Bank robbery of last summer was again brought to our minds the latter part of the week when seven more of the stolen boxes were found near Oskash. (sic)

The boxes were found in the bank of an irrigation ditch, three miles east of that place. Word of the discovery was immediately sent to the bank and Messers S. F. and W. G. Parker left early Friday morning for Oskash. Those whose boxes were recovered were:– S. C. Wilcox, J. O. Tillotson, Caley Estate, M. Enevoldsen, Victor Oman and two belonging to Mrs. Dora Johnston.

This makes the third time that boxes have been found, the first group was unearthed in a cornfield near Lewellen last fall and a couple or three months ago one was found by the road side near Lemoine. (sic) There are seven or eight of the boxes still missing.

The Farnam Echo 40(36):1, Thursday, 14 July 1927


Published: 10/22/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe