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Organize Local Council of Defense

Our townsman, A. LaBounty was the worthy instigator of a patriotic gathering at LaBounty hall last Thursday evening. The object of the meeting was the organization of a Local Council of Defense, and to encourage the sale of War Saving Stamps. Lieut. A. E. Reeves gave an interesting talk on army life at Camp Cody; he said the boys were well cared for and praised the boys from Dawson county and vicinity for their good showing.

Talks were also made by Prof. Mannix and Dr. Stewart. Mr. J. B. Kitchen was elected president; Dr. J. M. Liggitt, vice president; F. J. Tuttle, secretary-treasurer.

Mr. LaBounty then introduce[d] his friend Mr. Joseph Perkins of Maywood, who gave a splendid address on the war in general, and particularly encouraged the buying of War stamps.

The lateness of the hour made it impossible to do much on the line of purchasing War stamps, but the people of Farnam and vicinity will not be lacking on this line. All praise Mr. LaBounty for his good work.

The Farnam Echo 15(5):1, Thursday, 10 January 1918


Published: 1/26/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe