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Letter from O. K. Brown (8/29/1917)

August 29, 1917.

Dear Friend and Editor:

I received your paper today, it sure seemed good to get a little home news.

We have moved to a new camp and are now located right by the lakes. Today was review day and everybody tried to look their best; it sure was a grand sight to see about 10,000 men all dressed the same, drilling; if there was any mistakes made, nobody saw them.

We are supposed to drill from 8:30 to 11 a.m. and from 1 to 3:30 p.m., but we failed to do so today. I have found several boys that have been around Farnam a good deal and we get together and tell about things that have happened back in Nebraska.

We will go south sometime in September or October, as it gets too cold for them to train us here. We have to sleep in tents and it gets pretty chilly in the evenings. One day last week it was the coldest it had ever been here in August. We all wanted to drill that day because it was the only way we had of keeping warm.

When we go to mess, we line up and get our plates and pass along to the galley window, where they give us our "eats". They feed us all we want—some goes back for a second helping—but you know I wouldn’t.

Since I have been here I have not heard any complaints about the navy. As for me, I think it is fine.

Well, I will have to close for this time.

Your friend,    
Orlie K. Brown

Camp Paul Jones.
Co. 3, 1st Battallion, 3rd Reg.,
U.S. Naval Station,
Great Lakes, Ill.

P. S. Harry Baker said to tell you he was still here and liked it fine.

The Farnam Echo 14(39):1, Thursday, 6 September 1917


Published: 9/12/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe