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Break-ins at Local Stores

Two local business houses were broken-in and robbed Tuesday night. What appeared to be like juvenile work, amounted to a small amount of cash and a few stolen properties.

Montgomery’s Store and Thompson Pharmacy were the scene of the crime. A large window glass on the south door of the grocery store was broken for the entry. The drug store window on the door, in back of the building, was broken to gain use of the lock.

Mr. Thompson reported the loss of about $28.00 and 2 watches. While Mr. Montgomery reported a small radio, a ball glove, and some small change taken from a cash register.

A through [sic.] investigation had not been reached at press time. Marshall Smallfoot had contacted the county sheriff, who shall further the investigation.

The Farnam Press 20(23):1, Thursday, 14 April 1960


Published: 4/26/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe