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Farnam Facts and Fancies

What’s the matter with our county coorespondents? If they knew how we appreciate their items, they would not be so tardy. Come on, boys; let’s hear from all parts of the county. Don’t be timid. Tell us how McKinley prosperity strikes you? How do you stand on the Dingley bill?

Our city can now boast of two registered physicians. Dr. J. Liggett, late a graduate from Columbus, Ohio, has hung out his "shingle" in Hood’s Hotel. We predict a good practice for friend John.

Wm. Gordon is now permanently located in Farnam as real estate agent.

A newspaper firm from Madrid will soon start a weekly bulletin of the free silver persuasion in Farnam.

Decoration Day will be observed here on May 31 in usual manner. Members of the A.O.U.W. and M. W. of A. are invited to join the march.

The young ladies of Farnam, fifteen in number, will soon present their charming play, the "Peak Sisters." The cast is selected from among Farnam’s most talented, which insures the success of the play. Miss Rowley is prompter and Miss Agnew is organist. Date is not set.

M. C. Divoll, our leading merchant, contemplates the erection of a more commodious store building. His present location is not large enough for his trade.

The new Baptist Church is fast nearing completion. It will be one of the prettiest structures in Dawson county when finished. Rev. Johnson, of Grand Island, will preach the good word.

Say "Josh Amus," when you settle the "Post Orfis" dispute in Wallace, your services are badly needed in Farnam. Seventy-five applicants!

The G.A.R. ice cream social Saturday evening was a success, $15 being realized above expenses.

Farnam Camp, M. W. of A., are invited to attend a Woodman picnic in Gothenburg, June 10.

We are badly in need of rain.

Farmers’ Club of Ingham is doing noble business in ordering goods from Eastern firms.     SYLVAN.

The Independent Era (North Platte) 13(20):4, Thursday, 20 May 1897


Published: 12/3/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe