New Co-operative Oil Station Open Saturday
The Farnam Co-operative Oil Company is opening it’s new service station to the public at it’s new location one block west of the present location on Saturday, December 21. The popularity of the opening of this new station will be appreciated by reading the ads in this week’s paper.
The most modern service station equipment has been installed. The building itself has been constructed and designed on the latest and most up-to-date plans and specifications. Included in the equipment in this beautiful new station we find both a ladie’s and men’s rest room, the best of lighting equipment and a new oil heating system. On the west of the station is an annex which is being equipped to give patrons the best of greasing service. They will handle the same well known gases and oils that they have in the past and they cordially invite you to come in and see their new station.
Nine years ago this fall, this fine organization opened its doors for business with J. L. Hicks as manager. For the first five years he managed the station both efficiently and economically. During the past four years, in which time M. Enevoldsen has been manager, the organization has continued to prosper. As the new station opens for business Saturday we find the following competent men, with their new equipmednt, ready to give you better service than ever before: M. Enevoldsen, manager; Gilbert Hudson, assistant and Guy Stinnette, oil truck driver.