Farnam To Have New Filling Station
Many rumors have been going the rounds about a new filling station for Farnam. But being unable to learn the particulars we have kept mute on the subject.
About a week or ten days ago a large supply tank arrived and has been hauled to the location, and the pump is stored here, so we are assured of the station. This new service station is being built by the Texaco Oil Co., and from what we can learn will be strictly an up to date filling station. They have purchased the lot on the corner just south of the Bayley Theatre building. This is a splendid location, being centrally located and on both the main thoroughfares, north, south, east, and west, making it convenient for all autoists to stop and get free air, gas, oil, water or what ever needed. Although we now have two gas pumps, we believe that they will receive ample patronage to warrant the establishment of this new enterprise.
We understand that erection will be started within the coming week.