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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


The Farnam Lions Club was organized in the spring of 1941, and received a charter from Lions International dated May 29, 1941.

Charter members of the club were Ray Blackwood, Charley Davis, Ralph Clement, Gilbert Hudson, Sam Jones, Ralph McNickle, Sam Mitchell, Dale Montgomery, Paul Osborn, Wayne Parker, C. Burr Parker, Dean Rice, L. D. Rodgers, John Rowland, Owen Thompson and L. H. Whitman. Membership has varied from the original 16 to a high of 33, with average attendance of around 70%.

The club meets for dinner and business meeting at 6:45 P.M. on the first and third Monday of each month except for adjournment during June and July.

The first meeting was held June 3, 1941. Wayne Parker was elected first President of the club. Banquet was served by the Methodist Ladies for members and families plus guests from Eustis, Gothenburg and North Platte.

The club has had several meeting places and several cooks. At present they are being served by the Easter Rebekah Lodge in the basement of the lodge hall.

Community, State, National and International service is the objective of the Lions Club.

In March of 1942 a large plaque was erected by the Lions and Firemen, which contained the names of local members in the military service. The dedication was made by Frank Morrison and was put in place on the South side of the City Cafe. At that time there were 35 names on the list with room for more. The club has sponsored the Campfire Girls, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.

For several weeks in the summer of 1941 they promoted free outdoor movies on Saturday night.

Farnam Lions have collected old reading glasses to be reused. They have purchased new glasses for needy school children and are promoting the ‘Eye Bank’.

Farnam Lions have collected community donations to purchase the treats for the annual School Childrens Christmas programs. They have always sacked the treats and helped Santa Claus distribute them.

We maintain a permanent John Phillip Sousa award plaque at the school and each year the name of another Farnam School outstanding musician is added to it.

Farnam Lions promoted the First Annual "Polio Carnival" which since has become the annual Community Carnival to raise money for worthwhile charities. All Clubs in the community participate as well as most classes from the school.

The Lions along with the American Legion Post have shared the cost of sending a boy to ’Boys State’!

For several summers they furnished transportation and paid for swimming lessons for youth of the community.

The club has donated to the Leader Dog Fund. Has been a long time member of the South Platte United Chamber of Commerce. Has donated toward purchase of a Whirlpool for the school and a working model for use in teaching C.P.R. by local qualified teachers.

Together with other clubs in the district we hold an annual Talent Contest whose winners can go on to the State and National Finals.

Members of the Lions Club were very instrumental in promoting the First Annual Founders Day.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
