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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


Farnam’s first ambulance service was begun in 1970 when Ed McVay of McVay’s Funeral Home donated a 1961 Ford station wagon ambulance to the community. At this time, the funeral home discontinued providing ambulance service. The ambulance was manned by firemen and individuals who had taken an American Red Cross First Aid Class.

On March 20, 1975, John and Donna Hazen, Dick and Bev Edson, Russell Wilcox and Ron Adkisson completed the 81-hour course making them fully qualified Emergency Medical Technicians. They were also required to spend ten hours working in an emergency room in an Omaha hospital.

In 1975, a drive for a new ambulance was begun with half of the cost coming from local money and matched by federal funds. The new ambulance, a 1976 Dodge Maxivan, arrived early in 1976, going on its first call on February 4, 1976. Later that year another EMT training class was held with Laura Gaibler, Eucillis Wilcox, Frankie Brown, Kent and Sue Aden, Wes and Brenda Poggendorf, Sherri Lehman, Lois Hess and Paul Hyatt becoming EMT members on Dec. 11, 1976. Allen Brauer and Jerry Lindvall took their training at a later a e. Colleen Miller joined the group when moving to Farnam from Tryon where she had taken the training.

The Farnam Rescue Squad meets at monthly meetings to conduct squad business and update their training. They participate in the Community Carnival each year with a healthoriented booth, take blood pressure readings each month at the Silver Dollar Club, provide ambulance attendance at the ball games, in addition to providing emergency care to the community when the need arises.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
