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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


In the fall of 1948, Estella Schurr (Mrs. John J.) and Elaine Lindvall (Mrs. Bernie) went to Lincoln and Dawson County Extension Offices to see if a Home Extension Agent would come to Farnam to give the Extension lessons. The Lincoln County Agent would come to Brady. The Dawson County Agent would come to Farnam if at least three clubs would take Extension Lessons. The Pioneer and Sunshine Clubs had been in extension work and would re-enter in the programs in order to start the work. Two other clubs, the Community Workers and the new H.O.P. Club, consented to enter Extension Work, making four clubs who would be members of the Dawson County Extension Clubs.

The new H.O.P. Club had been organized on March 23, 1949 at a meeting held at Estella Schurr’s farm home. The Nebraska Home Extension Club motto for 1949 was, "Harmony in the Home; Order in the Nation; and Peace in the World". The group decided to use the first initials of the main words in the motto as the Club name - "H.O.P". It wasn’t long till the community said we were named "HOP" because we were always hopping after the members’ children. (Thirty children at one meeting) The Charter members were: Elaine Lindvall, President; Jean McNickle, Vice-President; Estella Schurr, Secretary and Treasurer; and other members, Gladys McNickle, Helen Clement, Theresa Lydic, Alma McNickle, Betty Rieker, Ruth Wintermute and Mildred Widick.

The first lesson was "Milk in the Meal and Color in the Home". Some of the many lessons taken during the yeans have been Fabric Finishes, Quick Breads, Refinishing Furniture, Meat Cookery and Clothing Construction. The H.O.P., Club undertakes many projects to better the community. Some of these projects have been: Hot lunches at school, Bicycle Safety, Aiding the Library, Vaccination of Students in Farnam Schools, and Furnishing and Caring for Park Benches in Farnam Park. The Club has made Christmas presents for Farnam elderly who are at home or in nursing homes. In order to help finance these projects H.O.P. Club raised money by serving farm sales and holding bake sales.

Our most recent project is the Community Calendars.

And now after 32 years we are still H.O.P.-ing along.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
