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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


The Sunshine Club was organized in 1928. On October third, a group of interested ladies met at the home of Mrs. Harold Crampton and organized the Sunshine Club. There were sixteen charter members. They were: Mrs. Glen Haggerty, Mrs. Harold Crampton, Mrs. Holly Williams, Mrs. Raymond Mercer, Mrs. Jim Martin, Mrs. Paul Frederici, Mrs. Raymond Smith, Mrs. Herman Beye, Mrs. Howard Gardner, Mrs. Arthur Beye, Mrs. Clyde Gardner, Mrs. Weaver Cole, Mrs. Lester Patterson, Mrs. Percy Donaldson, Mrs. Tom Caster and Mrs. Edgar Gewecke.

The first meetings were held every two weeks, one meeting was with an extension lesson and the other meeting was social. The afternoon was usually spent doing something for the hostess such as quilting, embroidering or sometimes even snapping beans and canning.

Lesson leaders back then were elected for a year at a time, so they really got a workout. Many times the men even got involved in giving the lessons. Some of the first lessons were on canning meat, making cheese, making soap, and making Christmas toys from scraps.

Years ago the Sunshine Club had several yearly events. Each year they enjoyed an all day meeting for the whole family with a covered dish dinner. They also had an ice cream social, a soup supper and a picnic. The whole family always looked forward to these occasions. Much fun was also had as each member was surprised on birthdays and anniversaries. Many times the surprise was reversed if no one was home, or they were still doing chores.

The Sunshine Club celebrated their fiftieth anniversary on June 4th, 1979 at the fire hall in Farnam. They had a short program and served refreshments. Mrs. Clyde Gardner was honored as the only charter member that is a member of the club now. At the present time there are fourteen members.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
