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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


After the World War I, an American Legion Auxiliary was started in Farnam. It lasted for several years but disbanded when interest in it dropped. Following World War II many more women in the community weje eligible to join.

Through the urging of Walter Kriemelmeyer and Dwight Stebbins who were Legionnaires they talked Martha Kriemelmeyer and Opal Stebbins in starting up an Auxiliary again. The two made up a list of eligible names who could belong and invited them to meet August 8, 1946, in the Odd Fellows Hall. (It was upstairs above the Drug Store.)

Fifteen ladies attended the meeting. They were: Mae Blackwood, Mildred Brouillette, Lillie Brown, Fern Clement, Ruth Earhart, Millie Howat, Jessie Martin, Ella Montgomery, Elma Nickerson, Margarette Rowland, Opal Stebbins, Mary Thrasher, Patricia Wear, Ina Wilcox and Cora Williams. Opal Stebbins conducted the first meeting. Patricia Wear was acting Secretary. A guest, Mrs. Chester Hugo, came from the Gothenburg Unit to help us organize. Together they told us of the Auxiliary’s work.

The next meeting date was set for September 3, 1946. At this meeting officers were elected as follows: President, Martha Kriemelmeyer; Vice-President, Ella Montgomery; Secretary, Helen Clement; Treasurer, Cora Williams; Historian, Ruth Earhart; Chaplain, Lillie Brown; Sgt. of Arms, Ina Wilcox; Child Welfare, Margarette Rowland; Community Service, Mae Blackwood; Poppy Chairman, Opal Stebbins; Rehabilitation, Myrtle Hesse; Americanism, Mildred Brouillette; Nominating Committee, Ruby Schultz; Mae Blackwood and Dorothy Cole; Committe in charge of Constitution and By-Laws, Fern Clement, Margarette Rowland and Elma Nickerson.

Meeting night was decided via voting to be the second Wednesday of each month. The dues were to be $2.00 a year.

We had 32 charter members. The charter was written on January 29, 1947 and signed by state officers on February 8, 1947.

Irene Bellamy, Mildred Brouillette, Ella Montgomery and Opal Stebbins are charter members still belonging to our unit. Nina (Thompson) Martin joined on January 8, 1947, before we received the charter.

Right away the Auxiliary (the second meeting) began working. They decided to help the Legion with a Carnival they were having in Farnam by running a food stand. Cora Williams was appointed as chairman. It was a success as we cleared $196.24.

On February 11,1947 we served our first farm sale for Chris Hesse. Ruth Earhart was appointed as chairman. We cleared $38.42. These were just the beginning of a very active organization.

While we are a Veterans organization, we also strive to be a part of our community with as many community activities as we can undertake.

We have served many other farm sales, served banquets, class reunions, and Lions Club. We have held card parties, sponsored a dance, parades, an Educational School Assembly program and Girl Staters. We have sewed booties (for Veteran’s Hospital), pads, robes, bibs, comforts and quilts, carpet rags and layettes. We have bought glasses for needy children, built a fireplace in the park and sold vanilla to buy some of our equipment. We have baked cookies and made candy.

The Legion bought their Legion building in 1947 and the Auxiliary members worked very hard in fixing up the basement rooms. We had a large serving room and a complete kitchen. Different ones rented it for parties, showers and meetings. These rooms were made available to any family in the community who needed it for funeral dinners without any charge. When the Legion sold the building we were left without a home. We stored our equipment for awhile and finally sold them to the Farnam Town Board to be used in the Farnam Fire Hall.

We are not as active as we used to be. But we still contribute each year money for a bingo party and recreation at Grand Island Medical Center, send in a hospital assignment, sponsor Senior Citizen’s Party, hold Poppy Day and decorate a window in one of the stores pertaining to Poppy Day, furnish gifts for the Veteran’s Gift Shop, give to the Gifts For The Yanks Who Gave, donate to Little Red Schoolhouse Fund for Nurses scholarships, pay dues to help keep Fort McPherson going, help at the Polio Carnival, remember our service men who are stationed overseas with a gift package and those stationed in the states receive a card at Christmas time, we take our turn to serve and entertain The Silver Dollar Club and we are always willing to ease a burden by serving family dinners or lunches at the time of death in any family.

We first met in the I.0.0.F. Hall until our basement rooms of the Legion building were completed. After it was sold we tried meeting in our homes but have better attendance by meeting in the Farnam Fire Hall. We meet every two months now. We have a membership of 25 members. Seven of those are Junior members. We only have ten active members.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
