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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


The Easter Rebekah Lodge was instituted April 13, 1903. There were 34 charter members. They were: Anna Reeves, Jannie Denton, Charlotte Fitch, W. L. Hicks, Calvin Bradshaw, Fran Lee, Archie Walker, John Ainlay, Lester Kitchen, Geo. Reeves, H. H. Foster, W. J. Ainlay, Alfred Wilson, Laura Moore, Emily Foot, W. A. Fitch, Pheba Ainlay, Kate Ainlay, Belle Gilson, Mary Gilson, Eliza Jane Ainlay, Sarah Walker, Helen Bradshaw, Mary Watt, Alice Hicks, Jennie Fitch, Savilla Mason, Myia Lee, Mary Troop, Cora Parker, Ethel Kitchen, M. C. Divoll, Mrs. M. C. Divoll and Mr. Dunham. Their first meeting place was the A.O.U.W. Hall above the Best Place. Later they moved with the Oddfellows, to the hall above the drug store where they continued to meet until 1976 when the two lodges bought the old M.E. church, where they meet at the present time.

They held a 50 year celebration in 1953. The honored guest was Charolotte Fitch. The only 50 year charter member at that time.

The lodge meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each month with an average attendance of twelve to fifteen members.

The present officers are N. G., Mrs. Pansy Peirsol; V.G., Mrs. Elvin Gardner, Sec., Mrs. Clyde Gardner and Treas., Mrs. Eva Reynolds.

In 1953 the Rebekah Lodge celebrated their fiftieth anniversary with an evening program honoring the only continuous fifty year member, Charlotte Fitch. Mrs. Fitch had kept her membership with the Easter Rebekah Lodge even though she had been active in the Gothenburg Lodge after moving there in the late 1920’s. Her husband. Will Fitch, his sister-in-law, Jennie Hicks, and Emily Foote had been charter members, too, and were present at the celebration.

Members of the Gothenburg Rebekah Lodge and their husbands, members of the Odd Fellows and their wives, the family of the honoree and husbands, of the Farnam Rebekahs were also guests. A program honoring Mrs. Fitch, as well as a memorial to deceased members, was presented, followed by a lunch. Opal Stebbins served as Mistress of Ceremonies.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
