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Centennial History Book

Necessary and needed were the ORGANIZATIONS of Farnam


The North Union Aid was organized on March 14, 1901 by nine ladies living in the neighborhood of the North School of District 51. The ladies joining were: Mrs. J. J. Allen, Mrs. R. W. Reynolds, Mrs. Alva Todd, Mrs. C. E. Eckelberry, Mrs. J. R. Eckstein, Mrs. J. V. Dawson, Mrs. E. W. Crossgrove, Mrs. W. S. Mason and Mrs. John Donelson. Early records are unavailable but it. is thought that Mrs. Donelson was the first president.

At this time Sunday School was held in the North School and the purpose of organizing this North Union Aid was to help pay the Sunday School expense and also to pay a minister to come and hold services once a month or as often as one might be available. Ministers from the Congregational, Episcopal and Methodist churches came at different times.

Those were days of sod houses with two or three rooms and a path. The water systems were a pail brigade from a barrel, or cistern if one was afforded. Wells were scarce.

Mrs. Allen lived furthest north in the early day and, with team and wagon with boards across the box for seats, she gathered ladies along the way to the meeting place. Others did the same as they came from other directions. Cooperation was the same as it is today but the mode of travel was very different. People were just as happy then as they are today and all are considered equal.

One of the most resourceful activities used to raise funds was sewing carpet rags or working up flour sacks for clothing, bed linen, or kitchen linen. There probably was an offering given then as now and in later years the club also served some sales.

Back row, left to right: Mrs. V. C. [Almeda] Donelson, Mrs. John Dawson, Jennie Crossgrove Messersmith. Middle Row, left to right: Mrs. Allen, Ina Stoner Wilcox, Mrs. Bloomquist, Mrs. John [Hildegard] Donelson, Mrs. Earnest Heulen, Mrs. E. W. Crossgrove, Virgie Spangler Crossgrove. Front row, left to right: Iva Spangler Crossgrove, Lizzie Gewecke Reynolds, Mrs. Eckstein and Lily Donelson Oman. The children are Gladys Oman, unknown, Dorothy Oman.

This Aid also has helped other organizations through the years. Many donations have been given to the Omaha Children’s Home and the Holdrege Children’s Home while it was in existence. Donations were also given to Farnam churches in the earlier years and later comforters were made and given to needy people.

Cookies have been baked and given to rest homes and the School for Trainable Children in Cozad.

Socially, the club is very active also. Wedding showers are given for each member’s child when they marry. Each member’s child is also remembered when they graduate from high school. Pink or blue showers are given to a member and her first child.

The meetings always have a religious atmosphere with songs, scripture and prayers. A business meeting is held which is followed by a time for lunch and socializing.

In 1961, the North Aid celebrated its 60th anniversary with several former members from out of town attending. Many cards were also received from former members who were unable to attend the celebration.

Many descendants of the nine charter members have in the past, and continue to belong to the club. Many people have been members during the last 80 years and it would be difficult to name them all. At the present time the membership roll is composed of Doris Bellamy, President; Ruth McNickle, Vice-President; Muriel Kotschwar, Secretary; and other members, Hester Geweke, Esther Bosch, Doris Smith, Edna Bick, Nina Martin, Katherine Lent, Janice Sheffield, Kathy Widick and Lois Widick.

Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe
