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Centennial History Book

Good times and relaxation were provided by ENTERTAINMENT

Taken from Farnam Echo, 1936

Farnam, Nebr., Sept. 8, 1887
A meeting for the organization of a literary society was called to order by T. E. Ives.

Rev. H. C. Snyder was then elected chairman. E. N. Wood, secretary protem, after which the election of the following officers took place: R. L. Taylor, president; John Dawson, vice president; T. E. Ives, secretary; Laura Moore, assistant secretary; and Ida Bradshaw, treasurer.

A committee was appointed on the program for the next meeting, Laura Moore, Ida Bradshaw, Milton Stebbins, and Willis Stebbins. Room committee: George Voodry.

Program Sept. 22,1887

Song by society.
Recitation, "Driving Home the Cows" by Pansy Dunton.
Composition, "Shall there be Bangs" by T. E. Ives.
Song, "Home on the Deep" by the Prairie Larks. W. M. Stebbins, J. 0. Tillotson, T. E. Ives and M. D. Stebbins.
Declamation, "The Baron’s Last Banquet" by Guy Dawson.
Song, "Have Courage My Boy to say No" by Misses Laura Moore, Byrd Dunton, Ida Bradshaw.
Composition, a biographical sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln by W. M. Stebbins.
Oration, "Oportacus the Chief’ by John Dawson.
Song, "In the Morning" by the Prairie Larks.

Debate on the following question: "Resolved that intoxicating drinks have caused more misery than war." Speakers affm. R. L. Taylor and I. J. Owen. Neg. E. N. Wood and C. Bradshaw. Judges on debate, J. 0. Tillotson, N. L. Moore and W. M. Stebbins.

The question was afterwards thrown open to the house and was spoken on a short time by N. L. Moore and Mrs. J. W. Voodry, aff. T. E. Ives and J. V. Dawson, neg.

The following amendment to the constitution was adopted, Resolved that the ladies be exempt from initiation fee.

Names of those taking part in the literary society, Frank Taylor, Mr. Teemley, John Murphy, Ed Dawson, E. T. Buss, Mrs. Voodry, Nina Whitman, Agnes Agnew, Mamie Shaw, Eva Whitman, Frank Dawson, John Crossgrove, May Moore, Ed Crossgrove, John Wolman, Mr. Holderman, E. B. Dunham, Mr. Walker, Ada Stebbins, M. C. Divoll, Rolland Moore, Julia Balser, Allie Reed, Julia Moore, Elsie Whitman, Herbert Moore, Miss Mann, Miss Alden, J. W. Voodry, Frederika Rolph, Loyd Hemstreet, Will Balser, Will Thompson, Tine Wolman, Mrs. Owens, Harry Hargest, Harry Hall, Clayton Rolph, Aden Grover, Jay Stebbins, Mrs. John Dawson, Mamie Garven and Grace Alden.


Published: 3/12/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe

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