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Centennial History Book

Religion was important to the people, there were CHURCHES


The following is from the original records of the Methodist Church when it was first organized.

This certifies that the persons whose names appear upon this Certificate do hereby consent together to form the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Farnam, Nebraska; and do hereby assent to the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Episcopal Church as found in the Book of Discipline. Mrs. Rolph, Mrs. Jay Stebbins, Mrs. Mary Hubbard, W. W. Underwood, C. C. Underwood and Richard Buss.

We the undersigned believing that the time has come for the organization of a Methodist Episcopal Church do hereby signify this and do also pledge to such organization our hearty support and cooperation. Mrs. V. F. Rolph, Mrs. Jay Stebbins, Mary Hulbert, J. B. Kitchen, Iva Hulbert, A. W. Underwood, C. C. Underwood, Clarissa Underwood, Wm. Stebbins, Mrs. M. C. Kitchen and Richard Buss.

The names hereto appended who were not of the members which constitutes the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Farnam, Nebraska at its organization, those not severed their relation with the Congregational Society and were advised not to make a membership in this church until such severance be made. Two have been transferred to the Church Triumphant.

The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Farnam, Nebraska was formally organized July 22, 1892.

C. C. Underwood was appointed leader, the stewards and trustees will be elected at a meeting in September.

C. A. Martin P.E.
Indianola District
West Nebraska Conference

This is to certify that at the meeting of the first quarterly conference for the Farnam charge Dawson County, Indianola District West Nebraska Conference held at Farnam, Nebraska, October 31, 1892. C. A. Mastin in the chair the following named persons were duly elected a board of trustees: Wm. Stebbins, C. Bradshaw, and A. W. Underwood.

Of the Methodist Episcopal Church to receive and hold property, real and personal for the use and benefit of the members and ministry thereof according to the discipline and rules of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the laws of the State of Nebraska until their successors are elected.

C. A. Mastin, Chairman
Secretary, C. Bradshaw

The Articles of Incorporation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Farnam were recorded in Dawson County on the 9th day of February, 1893.

The records are missing from 1893 to 1898 in the records of the Methodist Church.

At a meeting of the Trustees of the M. E. Church, December 26, 1898, of Farnam the following organization was affected.

President, J. B. Kitchen
Secretary, C. Bradshaw
Treasurer, C. C. Underwood

There was a building committee named. They were R. Lazelle, Chairman; J. C. McDermott; and C. C. Underwood.

The first thing considered was the dimensions of the church building. We proposed to build after considering the matter, it was moved it be left to the Building Committee to decide the size and make an estimate of the probable cost of the building decided on and to report at the next meeting. The motion carried. It was moved and carried that the pastor, treasurer, and secretary be appointed collectors and solicitors; it was then moved and carried that we adjourn. Motion carried.

C. Bradshaw, Secretary

The charter members of the Methodist Episcopal Church were Victoria Rolph, Mary Hulbert, A. W. Underwood, C. C. Underwood, Richard Buss, Calvin Bradshaw, Helen Bradshaw, J. B. Kitchen, Mary E. Kitchen, Emma Pollard, Nancy Seth, Lizzie Seth, Wm. Stebbins, Sarah Stebbins, and Frederica Stebbins.

The church building was completed by July of 1899. On July 30th, 1899 the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Farnam was dedicated. It was dedicated by Presiding Elder Leonard of University Place assisted by Rev. C. C. Snavely of Shelton, Nebraska, Rev. 0. F. Chesebro of Stockville, and its pastor, Rev. Coslet. At 11 o'clock, Rev. Snavely preached the dedicatory sermon, which was very inspiring. It was then announced that the total cost of the structure was about $1050.00, of which sum $426.26 was yet due. This Rev. Leonard undertook to raise. Those present responded liberally to the cause, and soon $263.00 was in the hands of the trustees. Services were held again in the evening and the remainder of the indebtedness was raised. The church was then dedicated.

Before the church was built and while it was being erected, services were held in the original school building of Farnam which is now the home of Mrs. Roland Lehman. Services were also held in the upstairs of the Garven building, and in the A.O.U.W. Hall over the Best Place.

The lot that the church was built on was bought from the Lincoln Land Company. The size of the original church was 26 ft. by 40 ft.

The first pastor in Farnam also held the charge in part time With Elwood. Later the pastor that was serving Farnam had several charges besides Farnam.

Sometime between 1899 and 1901 a parsonage was built in Farnam for the Methodist pastor. It was the house now occupied by the Tafota family, the second house south of the Nazarene Parsonage. Later the house that is occupied by Mrs. Tom Caster now, south of the first parsonage, was bought by the Methodists and used as the Methodist Parsonage until 1950. One minister serves Farnam and Eustis and he lives in the parsonage at Eustis.

Farnam and Ingham shared the same pastor for many years. In 1950 the Ingham and Farnam Churches united.

In 1955 an addition was built on the Methodist Church. It made room for Sunday School rooms, a kitchen and rest rooms. This was added to the west of the church at a cost of $3305.44. Donations received for this project were $2998.50. The balance was made up by using $50 Memorial funds and $256.95 from the budget. All labor except the plastering was donated. Jake Ernst was in charge of the work crews for this project.

On July 23, 1967 the Methodist Church celebrated its 75th Anniversary. Bishop Kenneth W. Copeland preached at the services observing the occasion. Fifty year membership pins were given to Mrs. Nora LaBounty and James Eckstein.

On May 18, 1975, the Methodists moved from the old church building to a new structure in the north part of town. The total construction costs were approximately $93,000. It has a sanctuary, seating capacity of about one hundred fifty, plus an adjoining fellowship hall, divided only by modern fold doors, which will double the seating. It is 40 ft. by 85 ft.

The church building committee was called together for the first time in May of 1974. The committee consisted of Max McNickle, chairman, Wayne Williams, Harold Bick, Irvin Hess, Mrs. Nina Thompson, Mrs. Kenneth Bellamy, Leon Kotschwar, Lawrence Oberg, Orvale Widick and the pastor, Leonard S. Clark.

Educational unit of the church contains classrooms, a kitchen, rest rooms, storage space, furnace, narthex and a cloak room. The entire building is carpeted, air-conditioned and contains upholstered modern pews and chancel furniture.

The church was constructed with funds from donations and church building funds.

Published: 2/5/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe

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