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Obituary Collection
Nelson Hathaway

Nelson Hathaway, late of Russell precinct, was buried Monday. He leaves a wife and one child. The particulars of his sickness and death are not known.

Later: The circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Hathaway are peculilarly sad. Mrs. Hathaway and the child had been to Farnam and Mr. Hathaway was choring about the place when they left, but on their return in the evening they found him lying unconscious on the floor. He never recovered consciousness, but passed away at four o’clock the next morning. Heart disease was the trouble.

The Faber 12(49):4 Thursday, September 17, 1896

Published: 5/3/2024 - http://www.historicfarnam.us/cemetery/obits/index.asp
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe