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Norris, the four year son of Mr. and Mrs. Cy Sensel of this city, had his arm caught in an electric wringer on Tuesday of this week, with the result that the arm was badly crushed and bruised, although no bones were broken. He had been playing around the machine and at the time of the injury he was feeding clothes into the wringer. His mother did not notice that he was caught until the arm was drawn in up to the elbow and then she hastily reversed the machine. Owning to the severity of the wound it is necessary to keep the child’s arm in an ice pack but it is thought that unless complications set in there will be no further danger.

The above article was taken from the North Platte Tribune and we thought it would interest most of our readers as the Sensels have only been in the Platte a short time, having formerly lived in this city. We hope Norris will soon recover from his injuries.

The Farnam Echo (36):1, Friday, 20 July 1923


Published: 5/8/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe