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Kills One; Another Fatally Hurt

Last Friday afternoon, while the snowplow on the Highline was endeavoring to clear the track of snow, occurred one of the most horrible accidents on this branch of the Burlington.

Hugh Baer, Benjamin, George and Everett DeBoehr, who had been out shoveling snow to enable Mr. Baer to move to a farm south of Eustis, started home along the railroad track, when they were overtaken by the snowplow with the following results: Benjamin DeBoehr, aged about 23 years, was horribly mutilated and carried about three miles from the scene of the accident; Hugh Baer, age 26, died on the train before reaching Eustis; George DeBoehr, age 19, received concussion of the brain, being struck on the back of the head, but no fracture sustained; Everett DeBoehr sustained a broken leg.

The crew on the snowplow who were unable to see anything beyond the plow, did not know of the accident until they reached Eustis, where they discovered pieces of torn clothing and blood on the plow. They immediately notified the crew of the west bound passenger to be on the lookout, and when they had reached a point about nine miles east of Eustis Everett DeBoehr was seen lying beside the track and there also were found Baer and George DeBoehr. Baer died before reaching Eustis but was conscious when picked up; Benjamin DeBoehr was found about three miles west of the scene of accident and mutilated almost beyond recognition; his body was shipped to Elwood on the first available train, his parents living near that place.

The dead were conveyed to the undertaking room of the Eustis Mercantile company and the wounded were taken to Dr. Andrew’s office where they will remain until sufficiently recovered to leave.

Passengers who witnessed the rescuing of the victims say it was the most ghastly sight ever seen.

A coroner’s inquest was held Tuesday evening over the remains of Hugh Baer. The substance of the inquest are that he came to death by being struck by a snowplow on the Burlington railroad. His remains were buried in Eustis Wednesday.

The Farnam Echo 12(13):1, Thursday, 11 March 1915


Published: 3/31/2025 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe