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Armistice Fittingly Celebrated Here Tuesday

The program, which furnised amusement for the crowd of spectators Armistice day, was opened with the races. The first was a girls race under 15 years of age. First prize was awarded to Alice Davidson, a gold pen and gold pencil, second a bracelet and folding comb to Opal Craig.

Next, the boy's race, age 12 and 18 years, John Orner won first and Theron Smith second. Third race was boys' 12 years and under, Richard Reeves received a necktie as first and Richard Carman a cap for second. In the fat man's race, first prize was awarded to Clyde Williams, two partridge roosters, and, one rooster to Lester Patterson for second prize. Two dollars was given to Kenneth Earhart for first prize in the Shetland pony race. Following the races the Legion boys gave their squad drill after which the crowd broke up and sought the various nooks where the one necessary element to complete a [?], is found, an eating house.

Immediately after the noon hour they started the afternoon program with a penny shower for the kiddies. It was a lively scramble while the pennies lasted and several were lucky enough to come out of the ring with a handful of the precious pieces of copper. The program by the school followed the shouwer. Several musical selections were rendered after which Bishop Beecher gave an address. He wove into his address thoughts which go to make up, “a true citizen backing a true America,” not only did he make it plain to the people that it was their duty to support their government, but it was their duty to bring peace to America, and the world that peace can only be brought through Christian Brotherhood. In closing he blended the Blue and the Grey to make the Khaki, and united the Northern and Southern hearts and gave America the hearts of so many million lads whose life blood stained to a brighter crimson, the red folds of Old Glory, whose purity, purified the pureness of her white bars, and through that pureness now rest in heaven, only to blend to brighter blue the blue fields of her bosom. The lads who through, Valor, sacrifice and brotherly love, saved America and gave to the world Armistice Day.

At 3:30 the fighting spirit of youtful life was met and matched when Maxwell and Farnam clashed on the local football field. The past two years Maxwell’s team has out matched the F.H.S. squad, but when they met on the field of battle Armistice Day, Farnam met with the determination to win, and they did. Farnam sprinted for five touchdowns and made three kicks giving them a total of 33 points. The team was rather disabled in the third quarter when Peterson had the misfortune to get his elbow thrown out of place, and did not make much progress the remainder of the game. Maxwell completed one beautiful pass and went for a touchdown—giving a final score of 33 to six in favor of the green and white.

At 7:30 “The Virginian” was shown at theatre, followed by an old time dance—the end of a perfect day!

The Farnam Echo (1):1, Thursday, 13 November 1924


Published: 5/7/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe