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Decoration Day

One more Decoration day has slipped through our hands. So difficult it is to tell which of us will live to see the next, and should therefore, thank God for His preserving care. At the Tebernacle a unique program was appreciated by the throng that assembled there.

A real patriotic spirit was manifest throughout the whole session. To the old veterans was a spectacle unparralled [sic] as they sat on the platform.

The evangelist was the man that the keen eye of the throng were looking for, and as usual, the Drummer evangelist delivered one of his impassioned addresses.

His address was Patriotic as he delivered it in “bits.” Mr. Osborn says, that the preacher delivers his sermons in “bits” and sure enough he gave us a good many funny little “bits.”

We are glad to not that the intense heat and the blusterous wind had no effect upon the attendance. Everybody left for their homes after the services were over and seemed to have enjoyed themselves immensely. We appreciate the kindness of the busines men that closed their stores, and also those who had no time to close their stores. Some people will have no time to close their litte stores even when they are going to Eternity.

A good many people did all the trading they had to do before the ceremony, a good many other did their trading after the ceremony, but there were a good many men that demanded their shave while the ceremony was on. And this was the way that some people respected the old Veterans.

The Farnam Echo 13(25):1, Thursday, 1 June 1916


Published: 5/1/2024 -
Hosted and Published by Weldon Hoppe